mardi 22 janvier 2013

Come on in, the water is fine !

Oh, hello there !

It's been a while but I've finally decided to write my own blog. The idea was in my mind for a very long time now but you know... laziness is an old friend haha. What the heck, it has to begin somewhere so let's start here, with you and me. Shall we ?

Don't really know where and how far it will go but I will happily give it a go! If you have time to waste, well have a seat and stay with me. Promise, we'll share a lot together and you won't be disappointed.

First thing first, let me introduce myself. I am Juliette and I live in France. - So, 'scuse my English and mistakes. I've got a degree in international trade. I did not travel a lot but enough though ! Une mise en bouche, as we said over here. Let's see where this year will bring me. Exciting right ?

By the way, I have to confess my two addictions :
I tend to find any reason to go shopping.
I am a fat food fan.
Don't judge me haha.

But you know, money has to be spent and life has to be lived to the fullest. Guilty pleasures anyway !

I think that's all, at least for the mo. Eh... I almost forgot but... Welcome to my world !


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